After a year of work, Kikyo is finally ready to go public. You can click on the information button in the top-right to learn more about its functions. If you encounter any issues or bugs, feel free to report them at
Please enjoy your stay!
As you can see, Kikyo consists of modular blocks which, outside of a few fixed ones on some pages, can be spawned, destroyed, and reassigned to your liking. Try hovering over the three icons in the top-right corner of a block to see what they do - for example, the 'REASSIGN' icon will allow you to redefine that block's content. If you've destroyed a block and would like to get it back, you can click the 'SPAWN' icon in the top-right corner of the screen to create a new, unassigned block that you can turn into whatever you would like it to be.
You will also notice that each block has an 'OPEN' icon which allows you to open its content as its own, full page with (in some cases) features that aren't possible to properly realize in block form - as such, the Compendium page will allow you to search and bookmark its contents and navigate subcategories, while its respective block can only allow for uninterrupted reading of the Compendium on any page.
You will also find that many pages on the site allow for opening a separate right-click menu, with its own options for that page or its content. The clock page, for example, will allow you to change from AN8 to AN0 display, or to practice pronunciation of Karamarea. Feel free to explore a little.
We hope you enjoy your stay!
This website is intended to serve as a knowledge repository and is not affiliated with the TSUKI Project in any official capacity.